The Distribution Committee of the Coshocton Foundation had their second meeting of Fiscal Year 2023 recently and reviewed 25 grant applications totaling $723,541. The committee awarded 12 grants totaling $109,348 to various community organizations. Three applications were referred back to the requestors for more information.
The grants awarded include:
$40,000 to the Keene Parent Teacher Organization to assist in the design and building of a playground at the River View Intermediate School.
$25,000 to Coshocton County Agricultural Society to assist in Phase #2 of their resurfacing Project at the Coshocton County Fairgrounds.
$18,874 to Coshocton Public Library to provide for required Windows software-updated computers for Staff.
$5,000 to the Coshocton County Handicapped Society to provide support in Building and Repairing of Wheelchair Ramps for Community Access.
$4,404 to the Village of Warsaw to provide support for the purchase of doors and for lock replacement for the Picnic Shelter Kitchen and Restrooms.
$3,200 to Licking County Health Department for a dental sealant program in Coshocton County Schools.
$3,000 to River View Local School District to assist with Automated External Defbrillator (AED) and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training and equipment for students and staff.
$3,000 to Women of Witness, Inc. to provide support for Programming Expenses at the Chestnut Crossing Learning Center.
$2,500 to Hope Hollow to provide support for Direct Services for Coshocton County Cancer Patients.
$2,000 to the United Way of Coshocton County in support of the Dolly Parton Imagination Library Project.
$1,370 to the Village of Warsaw to provide for Security Cameras at the Warsaw Community Park Picnic Shelter.
$1,000 to the Coshocton County Handicapped Society to provide support for Roof Repair of the Hospital Beds’ Storage Facility.
The Coshocton Foundation was established in 1966 through the Last Will and Testament of local merchant Adolph Golden and has distributed over $9 million in grants to community organizations from its Unrestricted Fund. In addition, the Foundation has over 175 Restricted Funds from which distributions are made for specifc purposes.