September 2017
- $12,826 to Kids America, Inc. to assist in the purchase of new weight room equipment as part of a refurbishing project
- $6,250to Chili Crossroads Bible Church for (4) partial Chili Learning Center Dyslexia Scholarships with one-on-one tutoring materials for economically disadvantaged students
- $4,500 to the United Way of Coshocton County, Inc. to provide for Crunch For Health Exercise Balls for Coshocton County 4th Graders
- $3,150 to the Fatherhood Initiative to assist with Elementary School Breakfasts, and a second grant of
- $3,000 to provide for a Literacy Project with an essay on Dads identified as Leaders in the Home
- $2,000 to the Coshocton City Health Department to enable assistance in providing American Heart Association CPR classes to Coshocton County residents at a reasonable cost
- $1,500 to River View Local School District to assist with the purchase of Reusable Materials for Molecular Modeling in the district, grades 7 – 12