December 17, 2010
- $5,000 to Kids America for the “Operation Fit Kids” program
- $4,000 to the Children’s Dental Clinic for the purchase of a nitrous oxide unit
- $3,000 to the Maria Hay Forbes-Kidz Campus for day care center improvements
- $3,000 to the Coshocton City Schools for the “Camp Invention” science program
- $1,025 to South Lawn Elementary School for the purchase of a document camera/projector
- $1,000 to the Humane Society of Coshocton for an animal vaccination program
- $1,000 to the Coshocton Countyy Career Center for the “Lobo Mart” student store
- $1,000 to the United Way of Coshocton County for the purchase of new computer equipment