The deadline for Unrestricted Grant applications for the final meeting of the Coshocton Foundation’s Distribution Committee for Fiscal Year 2022 is Friday, August 26, 2022.
In addition to schools, churches and government agencies, community organizations with a current 501(c)(3) non-profit designation may submit grant applications for consideration by the committee, which will meet in early September.
Information for criteria for applying organizations and a grant application may be found HERE or by calling the office at (740) 622-0010.
Completed applications may be sent to the Coshocton Foundation, P.O. Box 55, Coshocton, OH 43812, or brought to the Coshocton Foundation office at 220 S. Fourth St. If delivering in person, please use the mail slot in the front door or call the office to make other arrangements. Seven copies of the grant request are required to be submitted. All applications must be received in the office by 4 p.m. on Friday, August 26, 2022, in order to be given consideration by the committee.
The Coshocton Foundation was established in 1966 through the Last Will and Testament of local merchant Adolph Golden and has distributed over $9 million in grants to community organizations from its Unrestricted Fund. In addition, the Foundation has 175 Restricted Funds from which distributions are made for specific purposes.