- $73,867.84 to the Coshocton County Commissioners to provide support with matching funds, engineering and environmental costs for the County Road 621 Multi-Use Path Project-Phase 1. The Commissioners seek to provide a safer option to pedestrians, bicyclists and those using mobility devices to access shopping, dining, recreational, and educational and health services opportunities.
- $23,825 to the Coshocton County Sheriff’s Department for Communication Equipment for use in High-Risk Arrest Warrants and Drug Raids.
- $15,000 to the Village of Plainfield to assist with the cost of an Emergency Rotating Siren to notify citizens of the village and surrounding areas of an impending emergency.
- $9,875 to Village of Warsaw to provide support for Water Vendor Upgrades to provide improved access to those who lack potable water.
- $5,939.21 to the West Lafayette Volunteer Firemen’s Association to provide support for the purchase of Cordless Rescue Tools to equip their new Fire Engine, #602.
- $5,000 to Jackson Township Fire Department to assist in the purchase of Battery-Powered Fans for Ventilation, improving safety and flexibility.
- $4,772 to Coshocton County Drug & Alcohol Council, Inc. to provide support for the “Too Good for Drugs’ Curriculum in all Coshocton County Schools.
- $2,750 to Moving Mountains Ranch to purchase Adaptive Tack, Sensory Props and Miscellaneous Equipment in order to provide services to individuals with disabilities and mental health needs.
- $2,174.75 to Village of Warsaw to replace Broken and Missing Playground Equipment at River View Community Park.
- $2,000 to Coshocton County Fatherhood Initiative to provide support for their Collaborative Polar Bear Express Event.
- $1,750 to Coshocton City Schools to assist with the cost of providing Eastern Ohio Summit (a mock Ohio Legislative Session) for Gifted 6th-8th Graders.