Gary and Terrie Baker Family Donor Advised Fund
Established late in 2015, the intention of the fund is to allow fund advisors Gary and Terrie Baker to recommend grants to local charitable organizations.
Berg Family Donor Advised Fund
The Berg Family Donor Advised Fund was established in September 2021 by Richard (Dick) and Frances (Francie) Berg, who planned to actively recommend charitable contributions to the Foundation during their lifetimes and have made provisions in their estate planning for the perpetuation of their fund beyond their lifetimes for the continued betterment of the community.
Charles E. and Dorothy S. Bechtol Fund
This fund was established in 1999 with an initial gift of $300,000. The fund is used for general charitable purposes recommended by the fund representative and approved by the Distribution Committee.
The Blessings Fund
This Donor Advised Fund was established in December of 2018 through the generosity of Dr. Robert and Kathy Gwinn. Since the fund’s origin the Gwinns have recommended several charitable grants, with a primary focus on faith-based organizations.
Willard S. and Helen J. Breon Endowment Fund
This fund was created in 1996 by Foundation Trustee Emeritus Bill Breon and his wife Helen, for the betterment of the community. In recent years, earnings from the fund have been distributed to the Leadership Coshocton County program for its operating expenses.
Philip K.D. Brown and Patricia M. Brown Fund
The Philip K.D. Brown and Patricia M. Brown Fund, a donor advised fund, was established in January of 2020 by the Browns who plan to actively recommend charitable contributions to the Foundation during their lifetimes, and have made provisions in their estate planning for the perpetuation of their fund beyond their lifetimes for the continued betterment of the community.
William and Sue Brown Donor Advised Fund
This fund benefits eligible organizations and programs in the community. The Browns make recommendations regarding grants to the Distribution Committee for its approval.
David N. Burns Youth Fund
Established by David W. and Mary Cathryn Burns in their son’s memory, the fund is intended to provide assistance for youth attending special programs. Emphasis is given to programs and camps conducted by colleges in the hope that attendance will encourage participants to further their education.
Community Development Fund
A group of local individuals created the idea of asking individuals and businesses to donate $100 per month toward economic development in Coshocton County. Expenditures from the fund are recommended by the Coshocton Port Authority, and are typically used for land acquisition, lease subsidies, business relocations, grant matches, marketing and entrepreneurial grants.
Coshocton Christian School Legacy Fund
This fund was established in early July 2022 by the Coshocton Christian School Board to provide dedicated supporters of Coshocton Christian School a vehicle to channel their charitable giving as well as estate planning to the benefit of the school. The board’s hope is to one day be able to provide tuition subsidies for worthy students and to eventually provide support for future capital projects.
Coshocton City Schools Designated Fund
Formerly known as the Coshocton City Schools Foundation Fund, this fund was established to receive contributions from former students, staff members, businesses and friends of the school system. A committee makes quarterly recommendations for disbursements from the fund for the betterment of Coshocton City Schools.
Coshocton County Bar Association Donor Advised Fund
The Coshocton County Bar Association Donor Advised Fund was established by members of the local Bar Association in September 2023, just prior to the end of the Fiscal Year. Funding was provided from an accumulation of fees charged to attorneys over the years. Bar Association members hope to use funds to support future Bar Association initiatives and to provide support for their scholarship fund, which has benefited graduating high school seniors, county wide, since 1997.
Coshocton County EMS Fund
This fund was established to allow tax-free contributions in support of Coshocton County Emergency Medical Services. Distributions are recommended by a committee comprised of the EMS director and two other persons selected by EMS. Grants are approved by the Distribution Committee.
Coshocton County Youth Leadership Fund
This fund was established to accept general donations as well as contributions from the Foundation’s Unrestricted Fund for the Youth Leadership program’s operating expenses.
Coshocton Elks 376 Charities Fund
The Coshocton Elks 376 Charities established this fund at the Coshocton Foundation to benefit worthy projects which aid communities, schools and organizations in Coshocton County. The creation of this charitable fund is hoped to demonstrate the Elks’ mission: “Elks Care and Elks Share.”
Coshocton Hospital Fund
The fund was created in July of 2014 by the Board of Directors of the hospital, and is intended to be used for capital improvements at the Coshocton hospital.
Coshocton Kiwanis Club Fund
Established in 2003 with a gift from the club and the estate of Clarence Miller, this fund is added to by the club with continuing contributions. The Kiwanis Foundation trustees recommend distributions, normally only from the earnings of the club with a focus on serving children who live in Coshocton County.
Coshocton Meals on Wheels Fund
This fund was established by Robert (Robin) Coffman just two weeks before his death in 2013. The fund will benefit the local Meals on Wheels program as needed in future years.
Coshocton Youth Foundation Fund
The Youth Foundation consisted of local high school students who invested their time, talent and money for the betterment of the community. Students raised funds, wrote grant applications, and disbursed money to projects selected by the students. The group is currently inactive.
Eleanor Wade Custer Charitable Fund
Earnings from this fund are donated entirely to the Coshocton Salvation Army in Mrs. Custer’s memory.
Robert W. and Dorothy H. Dunmire Fund
Each year a percentage of the value of the fund will be made available to the Foundation to be used for grants which will benefit the youth of Coshocton County. For the past few years, this fund has been a major support of the Coshocton County Youth Leadership program. Grant recommendations may be made by the Dunmires’ children.
William and Mary Ehrich Library Fund
Established in 1997 by Mary Ehrich, this fund will distribute a maximum of 10% of the fund’s principal, plus earnings, to support projects of the Coshocton Public Library.
Derek A. Brown Elgart Memorial Soccer Donor Advised Fund
This fund was established by Derek’s parents, Amy and Todd Brown, after his tragic death in December 2008, and benefits non-profit soccer programs at the recommendation of the Brown family.
Joe R. Engle Museum Gallery Fund
Income from a $200,000 grant supports lectures, exhibits and acquisitions connected with the Joe R. Engle Gallery at the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum.
Joe R. Engle Recital Fund
This fund augments a similar fund at the Coshocton Presbyterian Church. Income from both funds supports organ recitals, memorial events or performances which utilize the Engle organ at the Presbyterian Church.
Perry L. & Georgia R. Engle Memorial Organ Maintenance Fund
This fund also supplements a Coshocton Presbyterian Church fund which was established to provide for maintenance and repair of the Engle organ.
Alma Felver and Olive Mullin Fund
Alma Felver was a long-time Edmont-Wilson employee and member of Roscoe United Methodist Church. Her Last Will & Testament set forth the creation of this fund which also honors her sister Olive. The fund benefits Hospice of Coshocton County, the American Heart Association, and the Unrestricted Fund of the Coshocton Foundation.
Fisher/McCarren Fund
Established by Kenneth and Rhea Fisher, the proceeds from this fund are distributed at the direction of the Coshocton Foundation.
Footlight Players Fund
Established by an anonymous donation and consolidated with the Cornelia Flood Shaw Fund, this benefits the local community theatre group. The Footlight Players may request grants from the fund’s earnings but the principal may not be depleted.
Four Paws Friends Legacy Donor Advised Fund
This fund was created in November of 2018 by the former Board of Directors of the Four Paws Friends. It is their hope that their hard work can be continued through grants from the Fund issued to caring groups that are dedicated to animal welfare and that employ innovative solutions for the betterment of the lives of animals in Coshocton County.
Friends of the Parks Recreational Trail Maintenance Fund
Established by an initial gift from the Schooler Family Foundation, earnings from this fund will finance maintenance on the trail which was opened at Lake Park in 2000. Disbursements will be recommended by an advisory board comprised of the president and treasurer of the Friends of the Parks, and approved by the Distribution Committee.
Jim and Mary Ann Gill Donor Advised Fund
This fund was initiated by Jim and Mary Ann Gill in December of 2020, with the Gills planning to actively recommend impactful charitable contributions during their lifetimes, with provisions for annual distributions from the proceeds of the fund to their favorite causes beyond their lifetimes.
Joan Hartley Gross Memorial Fund
Created through a generous bequest in the Last Will and Testabment of Mrs. Gross, who died in 2010, this fund was established by the Trustees in her honor. A comunity philanthropist and advocate for the Coshocton Foundation, for many years, Mrs. Gross served as a member of the Foundation’s Distribution Committee and advised a restricted fund which was instrumental in the development of the Lake Park Complex.
Charles Hathaway IV Boy Scout Fund
Chuck and Paula Hathaway created this fund in memory of their son Charles, who died in 2012 at the age of 24. It will benefit local Boy Scouts by assisting them in achieving their dreams by having adventures at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico, the Boy Scout National Jamboree or another Boy Scout High Adventure experience.
Hay Historical Fund
This fund provides for the cost of maintaining the groups at the Old Stone Fort in Oxford Township. The fund previously was administered by the now inactive Coshocton Historical Society.
Hospice of Coshocton Legacy Fund
This fund was created in June of 2017 by the Board of Directors of Health Services and Hospice of Coshocton County, and is intended to be used to support the programs of Community Hospice of Coshocton County and/or Health Services of Coshocton County (Gentlebrook) that benefit the citizens of Coshocton County.
Joseph W., Fred E. and Helen LeRetilley Johnston Fund
This fund was created through a generous bequest from Fred E. Johnston, long-time friend of the Coshocton Foundation, who served on both the Investment and Distribution committees for many years. This legacy constitutes the largest single gift in the Foundation’s history. The Trustees and Distribution Committee make grants from this fund to address the needs of the community.
Eugene and Marianne Lautenschleger Fund
This fund was established by the Lautenschlegers for the benefit of several local charities. With Marianne predeceasing him, the fund became active with Gene’s passing in October of 2018.
Leadership Coshocton County Endowment Fund
Established by a gift of $100,000 from the late Robert M. Thomas, the earnings are to underwrite a portion of the operating expenses of the Leadership Coshocton County program.
Leadership Coshocton County Operating Fund
This fund was established to accept general donations as well as contributions from the Foundation’s Unrestricted Fund for the Leadership program’s operating expenses.
Tom and Merle Leech Donor Advised Fund
This fund was created to benefit numerous community organizations, including Habitat for Humanity, Hospice, Salvation Army, Coshocton County Community Band, Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum, Friends of the Parks, First Step Family Violence Intervention Services, Mentoring Center of Coshocton County, Coshocton Public Library, Dollars for Scholars, and the Coshocton County Bar Association Scholarship Fund. It was established by Merle and Tom Leech. Tom was a long-time attorney and was active in many organizations in the community.
Edwin F. Mulligan Endowment Fund
This fund was established by Mr. Mulligan for general charitable purposes in the community.
Janet Jones Mulligan Aquatic Fund
This fund was established to encourage aquatic skills, promote aquatic activities and assist swimming facilities in Coshocton County. The fund was established by the family of the late Mrs. Mulligan, an accomplished, lifelong competitive swimmer and patron of area aquatic activities.
Newcomerstown Public Library Fund
Established by that library’s Board of Trustees, this is to fund expenses including operations, capital expenditures, programming and purchase of materials or equipment.
Northeast Coshocton County Infrastructure Fund
Discussions centering on Economic Development in support of the fine woodworking artisans and their products’ growing impact on the local economy led to the formulation of the Northeast Coshocton County Infrastructure Fund, a collaborative effort of the Coshocton Port Authority, Coshocton County Engineer’s Department and the public to provide matching funds for road resurfacing projects that are outside the County Engineer’s budget.
John D. O’Shea and Kathleen E. O’Shea Fund
Established through the Kathleen E. O’Shea Revocable Trust, this fund is to be used to support live theater and dance performances in Coshocton County. Kathleen O’Shea was a lover of dance and was active in choreography and theater productions in Coshocton and Marion, Ohio. It was Kathleen’s hope that her generous gift would enrich the Coshocton community.
Don and Sheila Parkhill Donor Advised Fund
This fund benefits eligible organizations and programs in the community. The Parkhills make recommendations to the Distribution Committee for its approval.
Earl J. Patterson and Patrick E. Patterson Memorial Donor Advised Fund
This fund was established in late 2020 through the Living Trust of Patrick E. “Pep” Patterson who died in 2017, and honors the memory and lives of Patrick and his father Earl Patterson, who passed away in 2018. An advisory committee will make recommendations to the Foundation for qualified distributions from the earnings of this fund.
Pierce Family Fund
Established to honor the memory of the late Clifton and Judy Pierce, this fund is advised by their son Judge C. Fenning Pierce. Distributions are recommended by the family and approved by the Distribution Committee.
Playvilion Maintenance Fund
Established with an initial gift of $25,000 from the Schooler Family Foundation, this fund provides revenue to maintain the impressive playground area at Lake Park.
Pomerene Center Community Arts Fund
Established in August 2016 through a generous gift from Robert and Carolyn Simpson, this fund provides support for the Pomerene Center and its community arts projects such as the artPark. The Simpsons hoped to encourage others who share their interest in promoting the arts in Coshocton to consider gifts to the fund, either during their lifetime or in estate planning.
Joyce K. Renfrew Memorial Fund
This fund was created through a trust from the estate of the late Mrs. Renfrew, a long-time educator and friend of the Footlight Players. It has been used to purchase new seats and for other renovations in the auditorium at Triple Locks Theater.
Socrates J. Rettos Cardinal Chorale Fund
John and Reba Rettos established this fund in memory of their son, Socrates, who passed away due to esophageal cancer. An Eagle Scout in his youth, Socrates was active in band, music and theater in his hometown, including singing with the Coshocton Community Choir. The intent of the fund is to provide programming support for the Cardinal Chorale, in recognition of the mentoring and dedication of the choir’s founder, Charles Snyder, who had also served as Socrates’ scout master.
Richard L. (Dick) Richissin Fund
Earnings from this fund are used to support the Arrowhead District of the Muskingum Valley Council of the Boy Scouts of America and to promote Scouting in Coshocton County. The fund was established in memory of Mr. Richissin, an Eagle Scout and long-time active member of the Coshocton community and advocate for the Boy Scouts.
Ridgewood Summer Recreation Fund
Established by the officers of Ridgewood Summer Recreation, this fund will support the summer baseball programs for youth in the West Lafayette area.
River View Schools Donor Advised Fund
This fund works alongside the River View Schools Scholarship Fund to provide money for other worthwhile endeavors within the school system, such as classroom equipment and educational trips. Distributions are made at the recommendation of this foundation’s distribution committee.
R. Larry & Judith Ann Heagle Robinson Fund
This fund was established in November 2021 through a beneficiary provision in Larry Robinson’s IRA which named the Coshocton Foundation as a direct beneficiary at his passing. Judy and Larry were high school sweethearts and married in August of 1968. Judy passed away in August of 2019, with Larry following her in August of 2021. The Foundation Trustees will direct this fund, issuing grants to the betterment of the community.
Sacred Heart School Fund
Established in 2003 to provide funds for the operations of Sacred Heart School, distributions from the fund’s earnings may be requested by a committee designated by the school and approved by the Distribution Committee.
Seward D. and Edith I. Schooler Community Fund
This Donor Advised Fund was established by members of the Schooler Family to honor Seward and Edith Schooler’s long-time philanthropic connection to Coshocton County and the Frazesyburg/Perryton areas by providing support for beautification and improvement projects in their memory.
Seward D. and Edith Schooler Support Fund
Income from this endowment is to be used to pay the expense of operating and maintaining the Coshocton Foundation headquarters building which was also donated by the Schoolers. This frees regular Foundation funds for philanthropic community uses.
Simpson Family Donor Advised Fund
This fund was established by Robert E. and Juanita Simpson as an advised fund to benefit the general needs of the community. Grants from the fund are recommended by the Simpson family and approved by the Distribution Committee.
Wendell & Hilde Skelley Memorial Donor Advised Fund
This fund was established in December 2018 by Mrs. Skelley’s nine surviving children and their families in memory of Hilde and her husband Wendell. While Hilde lived to be 89, Wendell passed away quite suddenly at the age of 40, leaving Hilde with 10 children and limited financial resources with which to meet their needs. Hilde persevered by putting others before herself, by never quitting through difficult times and by leading by example. To honor their father and mother, the family intends to work with the Foundation to ensure that the fund in their parents’ memory is of benefit to the citizens of Coshocton County.
Skelton Family Fund
This fund was created by Joseph Skelton and his cousins Robert and James, practicing attorneys at Pomerene, Burns & Skelton law offices, The donors take an active role in recommending distributions from the fund.
Mary F. Taylor Donor Advised Fund
Proceeds earned by this fund are to be divided equally between the Coshocton City/County Park District and the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum.
Ashton B. Conidi Thornsley Memorial Fund
This fund was established by Ashton’s maternal grandparents following the six-year-old’s death in an automobile accident two days before Christmas, 2008. The fund will benefit youth programs in Coshocton County.
Robert T. Timmons, Sr. Funds 1, 2 and 3
In early September of 2020 Robert T. (Bob) Timmons, Sr. established three donor advised funds as part of his estate planning. While living Bob plans to actively recommend charitable grants to the Foundation, while at his death, a transition will take place that will see his three sons assume the advisory role and continue his legacy.
Trinity Episcopal Church Fund
A generous bequest from Joan Gross to her church led to the church’s Vestry to create this fund. Designed to address any financial needs of the church, it has already greatly assisted in the replacement of the building’s antiquated heating system.
Ben Tufford Advised Fund
The Last Will & Testament of Ben Tufford, an avid baseball fan, sponsor and coach, provided for the establishment of this fund, which will benefit the Coshocton Cherokees American Legion Baseball organization.
United Way of Coshocton County Legacy Fund
With the hopes of providing a way for longtime supporters of the United Way of Coshocton to continue their legacy of giving, this fund will utilize a portion of the income to be reinvested in the areas of Education, Financial Stability, and Health related initiatives in Coshocton County.
Wayne and Flossie Van Dusen Fund
Created by a gift from the Van Dusens, annual distributions of the fund’s earnings will be made with equal 22% shares going to the Coshocton County Animal Shelter, the Coshocton County Career Center, the Coshocton Salvation Army, and Health Services of Coshocton County (Hospice). The remaining 12% of the earnings shall be retained and added to the principal balance.
Harry C. Wilt Memorial EMS Education Grant Fund
Harry Wilt was instrumental in the establishment of the Coshocton County EMS. Along with other community leaders, Harry helped analyze the need and helped to plan and implement community-based EMS in Coshocton County through the formation of the Coshocton County Emergency Squad Association in the early 1970s. Harry subsequently served a term as Squad Chief of the Coshocton Squad and also a term as President of the County Association. Harry was an active volunteer for the majority of his adult life; a volunteer firefighter, EMT and with the Boy Scouts of America. It is in this spirit that his wife, Dortha W. Wilt, established an endowed grant fund at the Coshocton Foundation in late 2021 for the express purpose of providing financial assistance for members (prospective or current) of Coshocton County EMS (CCEMS) to seek initial or advance certification and for CCEMS to offset the costs of initial certification training. If you are seeking financial assistance for training, please review the GUIDE Here then complete this APPLICATION and return it to CCEMS Director Todd Shroyer,, 740-622-4294; or Coshocton Foundation Executive Director Bob Pell,, 740-622-0010.
Ralph D. and Judy P. Wisenburg Fund
Earnings from this fund may be used for philanthropic grants approved by the Distribution Committee.
Wisenburg Trinity Episcopal Church Fund
This designated fund became established at the passing of 101-year-old Ralph D. Wisenburg in October of 2018. The fund agreement provides for annual disbursements to the Trinity Episcopal Church of Coshocton, where Ralph, a long-time member, was also a member of the Vestry and Senior Warden.
WOSU Endowment Fund
Established to provide financial support for WOSE-FM, the Coshocton County affiliate of the Ohio State University’s classical music radio station, WOSU-FM. Earnings from the fund’s principal are issued at the request of the station’s advisory board and approved by the Distribution Committee.